- Posted by Bible Study Team
- Date 24.01.2022
- Comments 0 comment
Sphere of religion
Text: Matthew 6: 10, Galatians 5:16-25
Welcome to the final day of the plan. I am sure you must be so excited for winter camp already. Today we will be considering the last sphere of influence and will also be concluding what we have been discussing for the last seven days. The last sphere we will talking about is the sphere of religion. Religion is not only Christianity as there a lot of other religions out there in the world. But because we are Christians, that we will be the focus for us today. How well are you living the Christ life? This is your primary testimony as a Christian. If your life is not propagating the Kingdom of God, then you have to check your definition of Christianity. How do you treat Christ and His bride – the church. Do you join the world in speaking evil about it? Do you share memes or posts that make a mockery of the name of Christ? Do you live as you please? Or are you trying each day to live and grow into the full stature of Christ? In thoughts, speech and deeds?
During the fall, man lost the authority that was given to him. Then, Christ came and restored this Kingdom back to man. The Kingdom has been restored, but are you living with this consciousness?
Can you really say that The Kingdom of God has come in our academics, our relationships, our career, our hobbies, and every other area? We should ask God to show to us where His Kingdom hasn’t come in our lives, and ask him to show us how to make that happen.
Kingdom Come is our prayer. It is also our goal. Our earnest expectation is to see the will of God fully established in our lives, our families and in our society.
“And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.” (Zech. 14:9)
Question of the day: In what area of my life is the perfect will of God not fully established? What can I do today to bring God in such areas?
Prayer: Not my will but Yours be done. Not just when it is comfortable for me but as long as it pleases You, Oh Lord, Amen.
Thank you, for reading through this seven-day plan. SEE YOU IN KURSK!! Come Expectant.